
From Sydney to Katoomba by Train

To get to Katoomba from Sydney, you’ll need to start your journey at Central Station.  There, you’ll find the Katoomba line that will get you there in about two hours for $5.60 AUD.  This is a great deal considering the distance.  The seats were clean/comfortable and the trains cars were air conditioned.  You’ll also find that there are several train cars that are classified as “Quiet Carriages.”  These are great because you are supposed to keep your voice down and stay quiet.  Excellent for the traveler looking for a restful journey.

Upon arriving at Katoomba station, you’ll find yourself in the center of town.  It feels like you’re walking into the past as you make your way through the small shops.  None of the buildings are taller than two stories.  MOST of the places close around 7pm.  Plan your meals accordingly or be hungry.  We made the mistake of staying in Katoomba for two nights.  You’ll only need one night if you want to see the Blue Mountains and the Jenolan Caves (not recommended).  

I’d recommend just doing a day trip out of Sydney if you want to hike around the Blue Mountains.

1 thought on “From Sydney to Katoomba by Train”

  1. Pingback: Hiking Around the Blue Mountains in Katoomba, Australia | blorg

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