
Getting From Tokyo to Mt Fuji By Bus: Cheap and Comfy!

The cheapest and most comfortable way to get from Tokyo to Mt Fuji is by bus! For only 2570 JPY you can get from Tokyo to Mount Fuji for less than half of the cost of using the train.

How To Get to Mount Fuji From Tokyo by Bus

Buying Bus Tickets From Tokyo To Mt Fuji

During Mt. Fuji Hiking Season (summer), buses run throughout the day from the Tokyo Station JR Express Bus Terminal to different areas around Mount Fuji. Since I was planning on staying in Fujinomiya, I purchased a ticket from Tokyo to Fujinomiya (cities around Mt. Fuji) for 2570JPY.

To buy the bus ticket, just show up at Tokyo Station’s JR Express Bus Terminal and make the purchase. They’ll have different timetables and you can buy your ticket in advance or just before the bus takes off. 

Luck was in my favor because I just showed up and there was ample space! 

I created a very detailed How To Get To Mt Fuji Guide that will detail all your Tokyo to Mt. Fuji transportation options.

Taking The Bus From Tokyo Station To Mt Fuji

Taking The Train To Mt Fuji Is A Bad Choice

Taking the bus to Fujinomiya is a cheaper, faster and an easier option than taking the trains. If you take the train to Mt Fuji, it will actually cost more than 5000JPY. There’s several transfers and you might have to stand for most of the trip on the crowded trains. If you’re carrying luggage, this makes things more uncomfortable.

fuji expressway bus

Taking The Bus From Tokyo To Mt Fuji Is Extremely Pleasant

I’d absolutely recommend taking the bus from Tokyo Station to Mount Fuji for these reasons:

  • You get your own seat
  • Your luggage is safely stored under the bus or above you
  • There’s a drink/phone tray in front of your seat
  • A restroom is available on the bus
  • There is 1 snack/food break along the way

bus to mt fuji

The bus takes a little less than 3 hours depending on traffic.  There is a restroom on the bus.  Halfway through the journey the bus will stop at a rest station for 10 minutes.  At the station, you can use the restroom and buy drinks/snacks.  Before departing after the 10 minute break, the bus driver will walk up and down the bus checking the passenger headcount.  This is to make sure the bus leaves with everyone.

fuji expressway bus

The bus stops were pretty far apart.  From Tokyo Station, we got out at the 4th stop “Fujinomiya City Office.”  The actual stop would have been Fujinomiya Station but I didn’t want to risk missing the Fujinomiya stop.  I saw other people get out so I went with it.  The Fujinomiya office is about a 5 minute walk from the station so it didn’t make sense to me that the bus would stop again so soon.

fuji expressway bus

Overall, the bus ride was a pleasant and easy experience for a journey to Mt. Fuji from Tokyo.

This story continues with my post on taking the taxi to Mt Fuji and climbing Mount Fuji.

4 thoughts on “Getting From Tokyo to Mt Fuji By Bus: Cheap and Comfy!”

  1. Alisala


    I planning a trip to Fujinomiya with family this summer and i would like to say “THANK YOU SO MUCH ” for your wonderful review on this route.
    You provided all info i needed to know and i now feel a lot at ease.
    Again thank you and hope you always have a safe and good trip in the future!!

    1. Dan

      You’re very welcome! Thank you for understanding my poorly written post! I corrected a few awkwardly worded sentences. Enjoy your trip to Fujinomiya!

  2. Pingback: Unsuccessfully Climbing Mt. Fuji At Night: Tips From Failure | blorg

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