marugame udon los angeles

Memoirs From Marugame: Cash Me Inside – Day 8

Day 8 and I’m the cashier again today. I’d gladly do this than washing dishes.  It’s probably the easiest job at the restaurant but I’m getting further from my goals of becoming a cook.

Limited Time And High Productivity

Over the past week, I’ve been very productive and getting a lot of exercise.  I woke up today with a strong state of mind thinking, “I can do anything.” I started my day at 8:30am to go into Disney to get an urgent delivery moving.  By 10:20am, I left and headed to the restaurant.  I’ll be returning to Disney at 4pm for more work.

First Time Working On A Weekend

It’s Sunday 11am and as I’m walking up to the restaurant I see this long line outside.  They said weekends are the busiest days so I came mentally prepared.  I’ll be working as a cashier and busser today. Alongside another cashier/busser, we split up the work. She knew more about stocking and handling the toppings bar so I mainly took care of the register.  I didn’t mind doing either one.

Do The Job To The Best Of Your Ability

When I was first bussing tables at this restaurant, it felt embarrassing.  Then I realized the it’s the job and to embrace it.  You can’t learn much or grow stronger if you have too much pride. So I got out there, cleaned tables, picked up trash and helped restaurant guests have an overall better experience.

Leveled Up Cashier Skills

At the register, I was moving pretty fast. Most of the time, it was just me so I had to move fast to keep up with the line of guests.  On weekdays, it’s mostly business people coming in for a quick lunch.  Today, it was mostly groups of friends.  Several times, friends were arguing over who would pay the bill.  But in the sense that they wanted to be the one to pay for their friends.  It was nice…but sometimes they didn’t tip…which was not nice.

You Gave Me A Coupon In Japanese

I didn’t know, but there were these Japanese coupons from a newspaper that allowed one free tempura item per guest (2 guest maximum).  The coupons were completely in Japanese.  I had to flag down one of the Japanese managers and ask what the coupon said…and how to process this type of coupon.  It wasn’t in the system.

Tired Of Talking

After being at the register for three hours, I was very tired of talking.  I’m very introverted so it’s exhausting being in crowded and loud places.  I had to talk a lot as I was ringing up people’s orders by saying them out loud to make sure we were all on the same page about what they have on their tray.

Small talk and compliments also help with tips.  Like when someone picks up some alcohol, and you KNOW they’re over 21 but you card them anyway.  Then when you get their ID and look at their birthday, you say “WHOA! You look so young.” Bam! You just earned a tip.  Another generic move is complimenting someone’s shirt. I was sincere about it though, cause I saw a cool Zelda shirt and a cool Goku shirt.

Besides being tired from talking and having a constant stream of customers with no downtime, day 8 was a breeze.  My tolerance for the work has gotten higher.  I’ll actually quit if it gets too easy…or pick up ANOTHER part-time job. I guess I prefer being challenged.

Day 8 complete!