american village naha

Okinawa Tourist Guide: American Village

The Okinawa American Village is a collection of malls, shops, restaurants, bars, video games, the beach and everything you think America is about (yup, there’s Budweiser).

Of course, going to Okinawa American Village you can expect that a lot of things are going to be in English…and you’d be correct!  Menus and signs are also in English so it’s a good place to ease into Japanese culture from America.  There’s an American military base in Okinawa so don’t be surprised seeing most of the Americans in this area. For me, it was like being in an Asian area of Los Angeles.american village naha american village naha american village naha american village naha american village naha american village naha

You won’t find the best restaurants here, just like you wouldn’t find the best restaurants in a mall.  There is a large selection of food but if you can avoid eating here and eat at a place with more notoriety, I would…but I didn’t. I ate there.  Seafood curry.american village naha american village naha american village naha

And there’s a beach you can’t swim in:

american village naha

…But the best part is that parking is free.