dublin castle

Dublin Bike Tour Review: A Quick Ride Through Dublin

The Dublin By Bike Tour is informative, but not engaging. It’s like taking a bike tour with Wikipedia.

Dublin by Bike Tour Review | After wasting a day due to jet lag, I had to recover wasted time by seeing a lot of the city quickly. I looked for tours I could book the next day on Viator and found “Dublin By Bike” so I booked it.

FYI: You can find tours with Viator, GetYourGuide and Klook.

If you’ve ever done a good bike tour, you’ll realize how fun and enjoyable it could be while getting exercise.  Unless you pick the extremely difficult course like I did in Thailand.

Biking through Dublin is pretty difficult. There’s a lot of people walking around on the street, we’re biking through traffic while avoiding cars, and worst of all it’s on cobblestone streets. Cobblestone does not give you a comfortable bike ride, dublin bike tour review.

We were schedule for a 3-hour tour but took a 30-minute break for coffee (not provided). They did however provide a granola bar.

After a 3-hour tour by bike through Dublin, it was just okay. I didn’t retain anything or connect with any of the Wikipedia information. 

FYI, this was not leading you to a mall

dublin castle dublin parliament

molly mallone statue
People rub Molly Mallone’s breasts for good luck. FYI, don’t do that to any woman without asking first. dublin bike tour review

dublin cathedral

A few hours after this 30 EURO bike tour, I decided to take the free walking tour and found that to be more informative AND engaging.


I should have planned my trip a little better. It’s kind of hard to find things last minute to do in a location without being prepared, otherwise you’ll spend a lot of time looking while you’re on vacation. I later found a list of Irish Music Festivals that I would have liked to see.