green tea beer

Green Tea Beer at Tokyo’s 1899 Ochanomizu

The only place that serves green tea beer is at 1899 Ochanomizu in Tokyo.  It tastes very bitter along the lines of a concentrated green tea and an IPA. Served as a half pint, I struggled to finish this due to the bitterness.

I forgot how I heard about 1899 Ochanomizu, but I left a note on my Google Calendar to check this place out while in Japan.  At least I think I did that…unless GoogleAds has gotten to the next level of advertising.  In any case, they specialize in a green tea beer that you can’t get anywhere else (patent pending).

Getting There

Southwest from Akihabara station, it’s about a 10 minute walk away from all the crowds into a quieter part of town. I didn’t do any research on the place and assumed it was just a beer garden, but it seemed like a fancy place upon entering.

Once through the door, the hostess came out with a warm greeting and lead us to a table.  I was there with my buddy Andy. She left us two menus and we began looking for the beer page.  green tea beer

It was a full on cafe/restaurant so it took some time to make it to the beer page. I went with the 1899 MATCHA beer.  After struggling with the menu for a few minutes, Andy selected the same.  He was struggling to read the menu for awhile until we figured out we had different menus.  I picked up the English menu from the table and he picked up the Japanese menu.  So a heads up for you English-only readers, ask for the English menu.green tea beer

Okay, back to the beer.  The presentation of the beer looked great!  I was disappointed that the size of the beer wasn’t a full pint.  It seemed like it was a half pint (8 oz.).  For 720JPY, I was expecting a full pint.  But, it ended up working out okay.  The beer was awful and hard to drink.  Extremely bitter/concentrated green tea with hints of an IPA.  There were small green clumps in the beer which I assumed was from the green tea.green tea beer

Dan’s beer score: 3/10

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