
LAX TBIT OneWorld Lounge Review

The OneWorld Business Class Lounge at LAX’s Tom Bradley International Terminal

Finding the lounge wasn’t very obvious since a lot of the terminal signage pointed you slightly in the wrong direction.

After going through security, you enter the main area of the terminal.  Head right and up the escalator towards the 2nd level of food courts.  Once you get off the escalator, the lounge is to your right.  The signage again, is very subtle.

Once in, you present your business class ticket and your on your way to pre-departure relaxation.  I arrived at 7:30pm and was waiting for my 9pm flight to London via British Airways then connecting to Helsinki.

With travel hacking, I’ve been to many nice lounges.  But, since most of my plans are last minute, I hardly ever end up in LAX’s TBIT to go directly to other countries.  I typically end up in the smaller lounge-less terminals that connect to other international terminals (DFW/SFO/JFK) to leave the country.  I’ve been in the AA lounge many times and have always been disappointed.  You always have to pay for drinks and you they normally just have free pretzels.  This international lounge at LAX was a welcomed change.

This was my first time in this lounge and I found it very warm and inviting.  The lights were on low so you got that evening vibe.  The drinks and snack selection was more than I expected for a US lounge.  I tried not to eat too much since I wanted slightly better food on the plane (sounds crazy, but the premium seats have good food…most of the time).

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Next up, my flight on British Airway LAX-LHR