cremia japan

Cremia Ice Cream: The Best Dessert in Japan

The title says it all. Cremia is a special type of ice cream that I have only seen in Japan and is the best dessert in Japan.  It’s not available everywhere and it costs much more than regular ice cream, but is absolutely a dessert you must try when visiting Japan.

I love ice cream. I’ve tried a lot of different ice cream especially when traveling so I think I have a lot of different experiences to say that Cremia is one of the best ice creams I’ve every tried in my life. A close 2nd place would be Soypresso tofu ice cream that I tried in Taiwan.

What Is Cremia?

Cremia is a super premium type of ice cream that can be referred to as “soft cream” and is the best dessert in Japan. That’s because Cremia ice cream is very soft, smooth, and rich in taste. You can find more details at the official Nissin Cremia website.

Cremia Ice Cream is made with milk that has fat content over 12% and super rich cream from Hokkaido. With each taste the ice cream just melts in your mouth sending you to your happy place.

Besides being just creamy, Cremia is sweet…but not as sweet as your typical ice cream. This makes the entire experience more satisfying you don’t immediately get tired from too much sugar.

The cone used in Cremia is an original concept called “langue de chat.” It’s a very light a crispy ice cream cone the pairs perfectly with Cremia’s smooth taste.

cremia ice cream prices
Cremia prices

I’ve seen the price range throughout Japan from 500JPY to 650JPY for the basic cream flavor. The price for Cremia tends to be a little higher for the more custom flavors. Cremia is very expensive for ice cream in Japan.  You can get an average cone from a convenience store for around 100JPY.  But this is a “premium Ice Cream in Japan.”  I’m serious. It taste very refined. Not too sweet and incredibly smooth.

Where Can I Find Cremia Ice?

japanese ice cream
Giant Cremia Ice Cream cone

Any time I found this giant cone display, it was Cremia time! …or as the locals called it, “CT.”  Okay. No one called it that. But they should. It’s sooooo gooood. If you can find horse and whale, you have leveled up to the point of being able to find Cremia.

You can find Cremia all over Japan. I’ve seen it in every major city I’ve visited: Nagasaki, Fukuoka, Tokyo, Osaka, Sapporo and even a special appearance in Bangkok! I actually had to wait in line to get Cremia ice cream during the winter in Sapporo when the weather was freezing outside. That should give you a sign that Cremia is a dessert to try when in Japan.

japanese ice cream

There’s no official chain of Cremia ice cream stores in Japan, but it’s more like you’ll find small dessert stands or shops selling it.

Since Cremia is a more expensive “premium Japanese Ice Cream,” I think it’s harder for many shops to carry it since the machine will take up a lot of the limited space that is available.

Who makes Cremia?

You’re probably aware that Nissin has brought you amazing favorites such as the instant noodles. They’ve done it again and now make delicious ice cream! But for some reason they don’t really put the Nissin branding on the product. Maybe the parent company wants Cremia to not be associated with instant noodles, but I love instant noodles so I can only see this as a positive.

japanese ice cream
Vanilla and chocolate cremia mix! Super smooth!

In the picture above, I got a special cremia chocolate cone in Sapporo. They made it half original cream and half chocolate with a chocolate ice cream cone. It was absolutely delicious even in freezing temperatures. I actually went into a nearby pharmacy so I could eat it without freezing outside because of the winter Sapporo winds. So for reference, I almost risked freezing to death to eat this delicious Japanese ice cream.


Go try the best dessert in Japan, Cremia Ice Cream! If you’re looking for reasons to visit Japan, consider ice cream as a motivator!

If you’re looking for the best dessert in Japan, try Cremia. There are lots of different desserts to try in Japan, but this is my favorite. If you’ve never tried Cremia, this is an incredibly ridiculous excuse to go to Japan and try it.

Disclaimer: Cremia did not pay me to promote the best ice cream in Japan. But if they did…I would only accept Cremia ice cream as payment. Can you imagine that? Just a Cremia ice cream bank that dealt with ice cream as a currency. That ice cream bank would be hard to maintain during the summer…so I guess there’s a reason we use a currency that doesn’t melt.

I still like to dream that when it’s payday, they just give you a cone of Cremia ice cream. Then the parent goes home to their family and they argue that ice cream can’t pay the power bill and for new clothes for their children…but what if it did!?

1 thought on “Cremia Ice Cream: The Best Dessert in Japan”

  1. Pingback: Japanese cuisine | A guide to the best (and worse) things to eat in Japan

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