
Malta Public Transport Guide: How To Travel Around Malta

In this Malta public transport travel guide I’ll explain how to get travel around Malta by using the Malta bus system. Ride share services like Uber, Lyft, and Grab are not available in Malta so your options getting around Malta are limited to the bus, taxis and walking.

Arriving at Malta Airport: Malta Travel Tips

When arriving at MLA (Malta International Airport) you will see a bus ticket machine/counter near the exits. There will be a transportation counter with people there to help explain how the bus works in Malta…but this Malta travel guide can help you too!

Malta Public Transport: Using the Bus in Malta

The Official Malta Transportation Guide

“Tickets can be purchased from the Bus Driver on all our Buses. These Cash Tickets are Single Journey tickets that can be used to get to any destination within two hours, including interchanging. Rates vary between Summer and Winter months. Summer rates apply between mid-June and mid-October.”

malta travel guide: malta bus

I went during peak summer pricing. As you board the Malta airport bus, you hand €2 to the bus driver and then he’ll print you out a one-way journey ticket.  The ticket will be valid for 2 hours so you can transfer buses as needed.  This was pretty awesome because the Malta airport bus only cost €2 to get from the airport to my hotel.

Unfortunately with traffic, rush hour and the small roads it took 2 hours to go from Malta airport to Mellieha! Typically driving there directly would be approximately 40 minutes. This was the express airport bus which had limited stops. Malta public transport can be very slow so expect delays and be patient.

Any type of transport in Malta can be very slow because most of roads on the island are only one lane in each direction. A lot of the city isn’t built to support roads bigger than that.

Malta airport bus

Malta Airport Bus

Since the Malta airport bus was the first stop, it wasn’t too crowded at first. I was able to get a seat for myself and another seat for my luggage. But as we continued the journey the bus became super packed too! I was cramped in a corner sitting partially on my luggage since all the seats were taken and many people were standing. Of course, I did feel lucky to have a seat and not have to hold my luggage the whole time.

malta bus routes

Even though there are express airport bus lines, these buses do not have a section to place your luggage. There is a small section on the bus without seats. This was normally used for parents with strollers, people with wheelchairs and tourists with large luggage. I’m very glad I pack light.

Bus Routes Malta Pro-Tips

1. Get In Line Early: Bus Routes Malta

A lot of people take Malta public transport bus. It’s going to be crowded. The best chance to snag a seat is if you’re queued up for the very first stop.

2. Buses in Malta Are Often Late

If you’re taking the bus and it’s not the first few stops of the bus route, expect the bus to be late. I normally showed up 5 minutes before a bus was scheduled to arrive, but ended up waiting 10-30 minutes for the bus to arrive.

3. Prepare Your Malta bus fares before boarding

Have exact change. Always have a few € coins on you to pay for the bus. The bus driver can provide change if needed, but that slows everybody down. Malta bus fares are €2 for any ride.

4. Don’t Bring Luggage On The Bus: Malta Travel Tips

If you have big luggage, just take a taxi. It’ll be easier than having to navigate through a crowded bus with large luggage.

5. Buses in Malta move fast cause they’re always late

Sometimes the bus skips stops. Always be ready to hit the “Stop” button once you get close.

6. Confirm The Malta Bus Goes To Your Destination

Don’t be afraid to ask the bus driver for directions. Normally I’d confirm with the bus driver if the stop I arrived at was heading in the correct direction. I’d rather confirm the destination than having to was an hour trying to backtrack.

valletta bus stop

Traveling Through Malta by Foot

If you’re already in a part of the city you want to be in, walking is the ideal choice.  I stayed mostly in the Bugibba area and I don’t think I saw any taxis driving around. Even if I ran into one, I probably wouldn’t have taken a taxi because I’ve been ripped off many times around the world.  Uber is also not an option.  You can also schedule a transfer through a car service, but that’s actually slower and just as expensive as a taxi.  The only two real options are the bus and walking.

valletta staircase

The above photo is from Valletta. That’s the main touristy area of Malta. It’s beautiful and has a lot of cool alleys and stairs.

How To Travel Around Malta By Foot

Getting around Malta by foot is very tiring. A majority of the island is hills. Not only do you have a steep climb, the sidewalks are very small. The sidewalks are the width of 1 person taking a lot of space, or 2 people taking up a small amount of space.  If I stood on the sidewalk with my luggage next to me, that’s the whole sidewalk. The sidewalks are all made of bricks. If you’re rolling your luggage, prepare for a bumpy ride.

how to get around Malta by foot...it's not going to be easy.

Another issue would be that the sidewalks were very small.  Just enough space for 1 person to pass which makes it difficult if you run into another person.  Think this through if you have luggage or kids with you.

The roads are generally not that smooth. I walked to a few of my destinations with my luggage and that really wore out the wheels.

Beware Of Bad Directions From Google Maps: How To Travel Around Malta

Google maps is not completely up to date in Malta. There are many addresses that don’t exist on it.  For example, the Airbnb I stayed at.  Google Maps sent me to the wrong address 1 mile from my destination.  Luckily (sort of), I was already on the higher side of Bugibba so it was a downhill walk.

getting around Malta with Google maps will take you to empty places.

Google maps took me through roads, that I wouldn’t classify as roads.  There were abandoned lots full of trash and fields with tall grass and lots of garbage.  I was very apprehensive about using these roads.  But the more I walked around the more I didn’t want to walk which made me mad.  So, I thought “Google maps thinks I’m afraid of being murdered in this alley, I’ll show you Google maps!” Then I power walked through these alleys as fast as I could.

how to travel around malta by foot
Google maps said to go down this dark alley that turned into a dark field! Luckily it was accurate, but very sketchy.

Malta is very safe and the people are nice.  That’s the sentiment I got from most people so I was more willing to take chances like walking down a dark alley where no one could find me if something happened.

malta travel tips: take these paths during the day if you have to
This is the road…

Note: No pictures were taken in the shadier roads because I had to stay vigilant.  The world can be a dark place so staying safe is a priority over trust sometimes.

Taking The Taxi In Malta

I took the taxi once in Malta and it looked just like a regular car.  This was from the Radisson Golden Sands to Malta Airport for €25. I booked the taxi through the hotel and confirmed what the price was before booking.  The price sounded pretty good for a 45-minute taxi ride to the airport. My other option was to take the 2-3 buses (with my luggage) for at least 2 hours. I don’t need that kind of stress in my life.

malta taxi

Other than that, I did see taxi stands in Valletta that gave people flat rate prices around the island.  Expect around €20 for about a 20-minute drive.

riding in Malta taxi

Taking the Ferry To Gozo Island

This is a pain. Don’t try to be a hero. Gozo is a small island Northwest of the main island of Malta only accessible by ferry.  Before doing any research on Gozo, I considered staying there because the airbnb’s were very cheap.  The reason for that is it’s difficulty of access.  Most of the life in Malta happens on the main island. Gozo is quiet and mostly for locals except around the touristy spots.  But if you’re not going to listen to me and try to go to Gozo anyway, here’s how you do it:

From Malta Airport

Take the Malta public transport or taxi from Malta airport to Cirkewwa Ferry Terminal. The fastest you can get there is in 2-hours by bus according to Google Maps. Realistically, you’re looking at 3-hours.  From Cirkewwa Ferry Terminal you take the ferry which departs about every 45-minutes. The ferry ride there is 25-minutes and the fare will be €4.65.

Getting To Blue Lagoon

Pretty much the same way as getting to Gozo, but you take the ferry to Blue Lagoon instead. It’s very expensive to stay there (Comino) but you can enjoy all of Blue Lagoon and Gozo in a day with a ferry tour. It’s a full day and well worth it.  I took a full day tour of Blue Lagoon and Gozo island for about €30 and it was awesome.

malta ferry hornblower cruise

Renting Yachts in Malta

Malta also happens to be a place for the wealthy which means you can rent yachts with a full crew! I had to ask about the pricing and found out it starts at €1950 for a full day. There was absolutely no way I was going to rent a yacht, but I’m glad when I asked they answered me like I was a real potential customer. Very classy Radisson guest services.

They offered this service to me while staying at the Radisson Blu Malta Golden Sands. It’s a pretty awesome spot since they have a private beach. Of course I stayed there for free using hotel points.

Malta boat rental sign
Would you rent a yacht?

This Malta travel guide really isn’t necessary for you if you have yacht money. People with that kind of money take their yachts to Malta and not a European budget airline then the Malta bus.

malta boat charter rates
I wouldn’t at these prices. Take off 2 digits and you got a deal!
how to get around malta guide


Getting around Malta is easy with the buses, but inconvenient due to the speed. I hope Uber or some other type of rideshare service becomes available because that would make traveling to Malta much more convenient. When they do, I will update this Malta travel guide so you know!

After leaving Malta, my next destination was Romania! Since I had Priority Pass, I enjoyed the best Priority Pass lounge in the world at Malta Airport

Thanks for reading my Malta Public Transport guide! I hope you find it useful. Knowing this, do you plan on visiting Malta?

1 thought on “Malta Public Transport Guide: How To Travel Around Malta”

  1. Pingback: Things to see in Malta on your visit - Life On The Mediterranean

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